North Carolina Quotes

For the most accurate rates, use the rating engine shown below- but here are some generic estimates if any of these apply to you:

  1. You have no employees or subcontractors (with or without insurance). You are not a GC or Roofer and you do everything yourself.  GL by itself starts at $500/yr and Workers Comp can be paid in full for $1158, or you can combine both for around $1400 with about $400 down.
  2. You do most of the work yourself, but occasionally use an extra helper or a subcontractor and you are not a GC or Roofer.  GL by itself starts at $500/yr and Workers Comp starts at $1700/yr by itself with a down payment of around $575.  You can get both together for $1400 with about $400 down.  You’ll get exact numbers and an instant quote by completing the rating engine below.
  3. You are a General Contractor, Roofer, or you have more than just a PT employee or subcontractor.  Your rates would start in the same ranges referenced in scenario #2 above, but you really need to complete the rater for accurate numbers.  All options come with low down payments.  It only takes a few seconds to see rates, so take a look!

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